# Export demo Bryntum AB (c) This demo utilizes the Export plugin to generate a PDF/PNG file based on the schedule. Unfortunately since this process is rather complicated, there is no way of running it completely client side (in the browser). ## Demo requirements For this demo to work you need to build and start up the export server in the `server` folder. Please read instructions on how to do it in `server/README.md` file. ## Configuring the example When the backend server is built and started there a multiple usages: ### HTTP webserver Assuming the server runs at localhost - then for this option no additional configuration is required. In case the server is launched from a specific IP address or domain, then adjust `printServer : 'http://yourdomain.com:8080'`. Use the following command launch HTTP server on 8080 port: server -h 8080 ### WebSockets server To enable this mode provide `enableWebSocket: true` flag in the plugin config. Use the following command launch WebSockets server on 8080 port: server -w 8080 ### Resource URL translation The server is serving CSS styles and images itself. For example in case the resources are located behind a sessioned login. The export plugin will translate the stylesheet URLs by adjusting the `translateURLsToAbsolute` flag. Like `translateURLsToAbsolute : 'http://yourdomain:8080/resources'`. Use the following command launch WebSockets server on 8080 port and configure resources location: server -w 8080 -r /data/web/application